How to Use Facebook Groups to drive traffic to your website
Facebook Groups are a great place for information, inspiration and to raise awareness of your business, however I see so many people making silly mistakes that will have people scrolling on past.
A few weeks ago I got over 200 views in 20 minutes to a blog post after I posted it to a Facebook Group, want to know how I did this? Read on!
Read the Facebook Group Rules
Just do it.
Don’t Post and Run
Just don’t.
Find the Right Facebook Group
Different groups will add different values to your business (or personal life) – so you might join a Facebook Group to learn from the members or they may be your key audience and you want to promote your business to this group (but please read on about this point). The size of the group is irrelevant and some small Facebook groups will actually bring you more value than some of the larger Facebook groups where your message might get lost.
This is one of the key points.
I’ve seen so many people pop their head in a group only on promotional days or even worse just posting their business (without reading the rules) and disappearing.
The key to being part of a Facebook group is to interact and network with people with similar businesses or like minds. We are incredibly lucky to be able to network with people across Australia (and internationally) from our lounge room wearing pjs, but you need to treat a Facebook business group just like attending a networking event in person. Sitting in the corner just watching is not going to bring as much value to your business as walking around and talking to people would.
Interaction is also a great way to drop your business name where relevant, most groups don’t allow you to post your business on the wall any day, so interacting with people might give you an opportunity to suggest your business as the solution to their problem. At this point you can drop your Facebook page or website and this will be within the guidelines for most Facebook groups.
Choose the Right Time to Post
If you are part of a large Facebook Group your messages can sometimes get lost down the wall if you ask at the wrong time. This comes back to knowing your audience and when they are online the most.
“Share your business” days
These can sometimes work, however I find they work best in the smaller Facebook groups. People will click on links when there are only 20, but when you end up with 250+ and you need to keep clicking “view more comments” you are less likely to do it.
So how did I get 200 views in 20 minutes from posting in a Facebook Group
I followed all the steps above.
I promoted the blog Case Study – Boosted Post vs Facebook Advert in the Remarkables Business Mums on their promote your blog day (Friday). This group has just under 10,000 business mums, I waited until the evening when I know most of the business mums are online. I posted a blog that I knew would be relevant to this audience, and lastly I am not a stranger in this group, I regularly contribute and interact with the people.
I really believe that Facebook groups are such a great opportunity that we are so lucky to have (imagine business networking in the 80s and 90s) and can be utilised to help your business grow in so many ways.
Hope this helps you a little – who knows, we might even have a Digital Mums Facebook group soon!
Do you need help with this?
Our experienced Australian Business Coaches help small business, entrepreneurs and #bizmums to grow their online business. Or contact one of our awesome Social Media Managers or Virtual Assistants right here, on the Digital Mums Directory to help.
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