With 16 million users in Australia* Facebook is still the number 1 social media platform in Australia.
In this guide….
Facebook Profile Picture
Your Facebook profile image is the most important visual element of your Facebook business page. It appears on all posts and besides your business name on comments (both on your own page or other pages you comment on).
The biggest question I see is, should I use a photo or logo for my Facebook business profile?
The number 1 rule is you need to be able to see and/or read what it is at a very small size (think about your Facebook comments). Its also important to note that your Facebook page name will always appear next to your image.
With that in mind, there are a few options…
Personal Photo – if your brand is you (aka a personal brand), you NEED to get your photo on your profile pic.
Logo – We’ve provided two versions in the example below. Laptops & Lattes has the full writing, but this version of their logo is still very clear on Facebook. An alternative to this is Amanda Viviers initial style logo which is a variation on her full logo and just perfect for Social Media.
Another option is something we have recently changed to and its an image that represents our brand – our name ‘Digital Mums Directory’ can be very difficult to fit in a logo, so this image allows us to show what we are about without the personal branding (cause we are not) and without shortening our name.
Another idea for product based business is a photo of your best selling product either in use or flatlay style.
Facebook Profile Image Size 2020: You can upload any square image, we recommend 1,080 x 1,080 (standard Instagram size) so that you can use it across multiple social media platforms.
So take a look at your image, can you clearly see what it’s about?

How do you Choose the Right Hashtags?
There are 3 types of Hashtags that you want to use
- Industry Used Hashtags – the type that are going to get you found for people searching particular products/services
- Community Building Hashtags – think Facebook groups, countries, states, cities.
- Brand Awareness Hashtags – your unique hashtag that you can promote to your audience to encourage more engagement with your brand
How to Create Your Unique Hashtag List
Step 1:
Check what your competitors and industry leaders are using, write these down on a piece of paper in list format (we’ll explain why in a minute)
Step 2:
If you are in an engaged Facebook Group, consider looking up if they have a community hashtag, add this to your list
Step 3:
Find out what numbers these hashtags reach – (yes there are tools, but we prefer you get familiar with Instagram while doing this exercise). In the Instagram search bar type the hashtag and click on ‘Tags’ – next to the hashtags you wrote down, write the number of posts.
Have a look at the type of posts while you are there and see if this fits your brand/ target audience. You will also see Instagram suggests ‘Related’ tags – add these to your list if you feel it’s a good fit.
Step 4:
Come up with your own brand hashtag #digitalmumsdirectory
Things to Consider:
- Ideally you want at least 30 hashtags, but more will allow you to mix and match on posts
- Try to get mix of big reach hashtags with small reach hashtags – would you rather compete amongst 9 million posts or 10,000 posts?
I know what you’re thinking….

Look, when you hit 159 million followers and have a news department dedicated to “watching your every post” you can prob drop the hashtags.
But until that happens, stick with 30 of the best hashtags for your Instagram profile!
How to Add Hashtags to your Instagram Post
- Upload your photo and write your caption
- Add your hashtags as text using for the format #xxx – it will automatically become darkened and clickable after you post
How to Add Hashtags to your Instagram Story
- Create your Instagram Story
- Two options – add the hashtag the same way you would add text #xxx or use the #hashtag function available from the menu
How to Add Hashtags to your Instagram IGTV
- Upload your video and write your caption
- Add your hashtags as text using for the format #xxx – it will automatically become darkened and clickable after you post
Looking for help with Facebook?
If you are looking for additional support with Facebook, why not speak to one of our social media managers to help you, we have a whole range of talented individuals on the Digital Mums Directory, and one of them is sure to be the right fit for you.
Don’t forget to follow us on our Socials!
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