Free Digital Marketing Online Courses
Focus on one area of your business to improve – learn, then apply that learning before moving to the next course (we see too often people doing course after course without actually applying what they have learnt).
~ Free Digital Courses ~

Google Digital Garage
Learn the skills of the future with Google for free!!
Accelerate your career or business with an online digital skills course in everything from marketing to coding and beyond. Google have a range of courses have been designed to help you in career or business, you can choose to do individual modules or you can take the whole course. Area of study include:
✔️ Fundamentals of Digital Marketing
✔️ Get A Business Online
✔️ Make Sure Customers Find You Online
✔️ Understand Customers Needs & Behaviours
✔️ Build Confidence With Self-Promotion
✔️ Introduction to Wellbeing
✔️ Effective Networking
✔️ Speaking In Public
✔️ Understand The Basics Of Code
Google also have a range of webinars covering topics from Google Analytics, Digital Marketing Strategy, Social Media Strategy, Building Presentations, Writing For Social Media and more!!

PPC University From WordStream
PPC University is a free PPC marketing course created by the experts at Wordstream, there are two basic modules and then a more advanced module for those who want to take their knowledge to a more advanced level.
Module 1 (PPC101) covers an introductory level information about what PPC is, setting up the structure of a good account, understanding the importance of keywords and explaining what some of the key terms mean.
Module 2 (PPC102) covers finding the right keywords, using negative keywords (super important!), writing great ads, and ad extensions.
Advanced PPC covers information about remarketing, running dynamic campaigns, automating your bid strategy and keeping up with your competitors plus a whole lot more!!

Google Analytics Academy
No time to learn and would prefer to have someone do the work for you, check out our social media managers on the Digital Mums Directory.
~ Email Marketing ~

Mailerlite Academy
If you’re curious about email marketing you’re in good hands with Mailerlite, this is one of our favourite email marketing platforms here at the Digital Mums Directory. In this free course you will learn all the best features of Mailerlite to start your email marketing campaigns including an email marketing masterclass. You can also learn how to create newsletters, landing pages and websites via Mailerlite.
Need help from an email marketing expert? Check out our professional email marketers here to help and support you with your email marketing.
~ Social Media ~

Facebook Blueprint
A range of FREE courses offered by Facebook themselves, this is perfect for anyone new to the platform or anyone who wants to learn more about Facebook Advertising.
✔️ How to setup your page
✔️ How to create posts
✔️ How to setup a Facebook Ad Campaign
✔️ Basics of Instagram

Later Instagram Courses
Some of our fave picks are
✔️ How to Create an Instagram Content Plan
✔️ How to Write Engaging
Instagram Captions
✔️ How to Get Your First 1000 Followers
If you’re keen to get help with your SEO, check out the SEO Experts on the Digital Mums Directory.
Do you have a course our audience should know about?
Email and lets see what we can do about adding it to our list.
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