Stephanie Lou – Systems & Strategy

Stephanie Lou – Systems & Strategy
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Stephanie Lou – Systems & Strategy

If you are in business in the first few years, I can guarantee you have felt business admin overwhelm at some point or perhaps consistently!

You think about all those things you write in your notebook, scraps of paper, passwords in weird places, or perhaps you store random bits of info in your Phone Notes and you want to find something or use it but don’t know where it is...

Or maybe even that piece of information you constantly refer to but can never find at short notice!

Well, I will teach you how to manage that online and sustainably.

Don't worry, you don't have to be tech savvy but you do need want to change how you sort and store your info!

I use a FREE platform called Asana to teach you how to organise and simplify all your ideas and general knowledge about it your biz (and life)! Asana is an epic Online, Project Management tool that has a simple hierarchy of information and purpose. A tool that brings, ease, focus and flow to you, your team, and your work.

I offer my core services in three separate ways. Initially, we go through your business strategy and look at Asana specific to your need,  then I offer a DONE for YOU set up with my EPIC core templates. My last Asana service is one many client's comebacks to time and time again, and it is Asana Support and Refreshers. For those wanting that ongoing but not every month support in their Asana.

I want you to feel at ease with what’s next TO DO. I want you to feel that growth in your business IS possible.

I also offer simple Business Assessments in the form of Business Mentoring Sessions; If you are seeking clarity and direction in your biz, together we deep dive into your business detail, including your Tech!

We work on understanding your goals and vision and expanding for growth and more time freedom!

My zone of genius, understanding your business, and its pain points, where you could strengthen your foundations and be able to lay it out for you with a few simple steps to get you out of the overwhelm and find clarity around essential tasks to run your business.

Get in touch today and we can take that first step to sort out your Admin Foundations and free up your time for the things you truly love in your business!

How Can We Help?